Thursday 1 November 2007

Practical and cool

In my last post I wrote about clever bloomers and what a great piece of clothing they are. Now another thing we love heaps at Baby goes Retro is onesies or jumpsuits if you prefer. I think it might be the most practical baby outfit there is. No bare midriffs in winter (brrrr), no tops scrunched up around baby's armpits, no pants with tricky buttons and zips that get caught. These are only a few of the reasons we love them but the main one is that they can be sooooo cute and funky. Pop a jumpsuit on bub and there you have it - an instant outfit within a minute. Busy mothers knows that instant is always good as patient children might just only exist in movies and nappy ads.

The variety is also a plus when it comes to suits. You have the short sleeve ones with little legs and the ones without, both perfect for a warm summer day. These two gorgeous pieces from nanoou and Ej sikke lej are featured in the Oct/Nov issue of Mother & Baby.

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