Tuesday 28 August 2007

The waiting game

We are grinding our teeth, pulling our hair and running around in circles....why you might wonder..well someone said once that patience is a virtue, but it's sooooo hard. We are eagerly waiting for our new spring arrivals which seem to take forever, which is actually not true, it's pretty much on schedule it just feels like it!

All the juicy, gorgeous new singlets and bloomers from Katvig, exquisite little girls wear from Ej sikke lej, more of the incredibly popular Big C Singlet (as featured below in Shop 4 Kids Mag) and the list goes on and on. We are like little kids waiting for Santa but in our case it's a matter of checking every truck that drives past to see if it's the courier or post van. This is exciting times....can't wait to check our customers reactions to all the new stuff, we definitely have a few cool surprises up our sleeve. We'll keep you posted, it wont be long now....

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