Wednesday 6 February 2008

Shopping, shopping and more shopping

Yes, it's out again! I'm talking about the great magazine Shop 4 Kids that is made for those of us that just love the idea of finding that special little outfit or that really unique piece of garment to dress our little munchkins in. The Autumn/Winter issue just hit the shelves this week and it is full to the brim with gorgeous gear for babies and kids.

I know I have mentioned it before but I do have to say it again; jumpsuits is the way to go when you need an instant cool outfit for your baby. In the this issue of Shop 4 Kids they have featured four of our suits that will make you want to go oohh and aahh. Ej sikke lej's too cute rainbow suit that is in stock at the moment and Katvig's stripy playsuit that has already sold out! We are still waiting for the two adorable All in ones from nanoou that is due any week now. If you like one let us know and we'll reserve it for you.

1 comment:

Miss Cinti - my poppet said...

Lovely talking to you Helen, pop in for a visit if you're ever in melbourne, Cheers Cintia